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THE AGE OF MADNESS & A Critical Review of fbi/cia Operations

                                  THE AGE OF MADNESS & A Critical Review of fbi/cia Operations


This report represents a summary of my reflections & analysis on fbi/cia/police/societal egregious agendas.


As I reflect on the past two decades of vicious assaults on me by agents and operatives of the fbi and the cia, I sometimes in my quiet moments seek to comprehend the cause or genesis of the evil that characterizes many of the horrid events that I describe in "My Story In Detail" and related data and links at

This report is a summary of some of my conclusions regarding the decadent public policy rationale that supports atrocities by government, including the imprisonment, torture (physical and psychological) and killing of human beings for no justifiable cause. I hope that an enlightened populace may someday look inward and demand to know how many deaths and how much needless sufferings have been caused through episodes (such as those I describe in my reports) of government barbarity, gross insensitvity and macabre methodology; in the understanding of the injustices perhaps we can end them.


As most persons have no insight into the criminal minds and operations of government intelligence agents, little opportunity exists to address their crimes against humanity. Similarly, police authorities assist the intelligence services in the coverup of many felonies committed by the agencies and by the police themselves. Whistleblowers and others who try to expose egregious government crimes are outnumbered, out gunned, and portrayed as outlaws or madmen by the government predators who are trying to harm them.

For the average citizen, furthermore, society in generally is unresponsive to pleas for guidance from those persons who are , at the hands of government predators and perpetrators, needlessly suffering and dying. The same systemic treachery that often greets the whistleblower is waiting to ensnare the average citizen in crisis, as I pointed out to the court in my Writ at 534US894.

The common threads of public malice and inhumanity towards the object of government predatory agendas run throughout many social institutions today; such widespread animosity is now mainstream and serves as a kind of mind programming for the general population who very often plays an integral role in the planned and orchestrated assaults on the Targets who are sometimes labeled as madmen.

As we are born into a complex world that changes from moment to moment in terms of advances in technology, scince, law, and contemporary standards for human conduct. No single individual can keep abreast of all the strictures (or expectations) that are brought to bear on our modern lives; even though we may think that we are experts in our own culture, we are not. Medical doctors do not know all the answers associated with causes forillnesses and diseases; lawyers often have no fast clue to finding remedies for legal issues that evolve from fast changing social mores; engineers and scientists must forever adjust design and focus of their work to deal with ever changing technologies, new discoveries and emerging societal forces and human needs.

The average individual human being may at times find himself adrift in an unfamiliar and alien sea filled with incalculable dangers. We have discovered that we cannot always cope with the stresses that we encounter on a daily basis. Returning war vets, or otherwise traumatized persons sometimes seek advice , treatment and comfort to ease medical conditions orpsychological pressures. When no effective assistance is available, some of our fellow citizens may suffer, collapse and die, even while we watch on some popular cop or quasi news shows. In extreme cases the confused or disoriented citizen is imprisoned, tortured, forced into suicide, or shot dead by the very same government agents who pretend to defend our liberties.

This is an important point because no one among us is immune from neurosis when tragedy strikes. We should therefore reconsider our societal relationship with those we condemn (to prison or death), lest we abruptly someday join their numbers. Actions against a citizen by government agents and their citizen action committees often provoke the Target into wild conduct; such intentional assaults are intended to cause the Target to respond violently so that he may be arrested or killed.

We see examples of this on our streets almost daily; and I have presented numerous instances of such intentional provocations in many of my reports.Further, no attention is focued on psychological operations against a targeted person even though a growing number of persons worldwide now testify that they are targeted by ruthless and painful campaigns. No law exists that may stop the type of violent activities in which the fbi andthe cia engage regularly against their Targets, foreign and domestic. Even civil court judges routinely ignore the criminal actions of police and fbi against the accused. Thus the person portrayed as a madman on some TV shows is in reality a product of a corrupt public policy standard that authorizes the torture, imprisonment and killing of a given Target. One plausible explanation for the apparent lunacy of government officials and their civilian supporters and followers is offered by Thomas Szasz, M.D. in his book THE AGE OF MADNESS, Jason Aronson, New York, 1974, Library of Congress , Catalogue Number 74-8401.


As I read his comments and analogies, I recall the hostilities against me (continuing to date for about twenty years) by the fbi; I believe that the most dangerous and destructive human beings in society are the members of the fbi, cia, police and their operatives throughout society who provoke, threaten, torture, malign, poison,libel, slander and attempt to kill (or to drive insane) the objects of their misguided misanthropy. Society in asense has become its own worst enemy; those otherwise innocent citizens (including doctors, lawyers and laymen) so engaged against their fellow citizen are accomplices to murder (or felonious assault) by aiding the murderers of the agencies of government we all rely upon. In this way we have become a nation of assassins.


Below is the explanation by Szasz which I find most compelling in the context of my review of the atrocities committed against me and others by the fbi and cia thugs. Italics are mine as are all brackets and contents therein:

As ""in the Age of Faith political power was the monopoly of Church and State, so in the Age Of Reason, it is the monopoly of Science [,Law] and State. The former celebrated its values by constructing cathedrals and religious shrines", while the latter does so by constructing hospitals" insane asylums [ and prisons] and by forcibly treating madmen [and accused criminals].


In the Age of faith, men confirmed the existence and glory of God by creating witches who worshipped the devil, and confirmed the power of God by multiplying the number and magnifying the dangerousness of witches; in the Age of Reason, men confirm the existence and glory of Reason by creating madmen who worship unreason, and confirm the power of Reason by multiplying the number and magnifying the dangerousness of madmen [criminals]." Men ""regarded themselves as most faithful when they were surrounded by heretics; and that they regarded themselves as most reasonable when surrounded by madmen [criminals].


Today we have tens of millions of persons imprisoned (or under threat of imprisonment) worldwide by men who regard themselves as "most reasonable''; the more people that they imprison, the more they fancy themselves as "most reasonable''. This is why, as Szasz writes, the Age of Faith was teeming with heretics; why the Age of Reason is teeming with madmen [criminals] and why I [Szasz] rename The Age of Reason, in honor of its victims,The Age Of Madness.(Szasz, page4).

PS: See also:

For evidence that fbi hacks many of my reports see: 

update on fbi/police


University Of Texas And the fbi Continue Years Of Harassment Of Me On Campus

See my continuing reports and documentations of crimes committed against me by UT, police, fbi, and others, over the past several years contining to date.

*The University of Texas (UT) continues to harass, stalk and malign this reporter of their crimes (in concert with and at the implied direction of the fbi assassins). As I previously documented, the UT officials and police fabricated a false police report against me, even while they sent one of the UT contract employees to criminally assault me in efforts to provoke a violent confrontation. The only violence on campus was perpetrated by the UT staff and the UT police. See the actual fraudulent UT police report against me at:


See my report on the UT criminal assault at:


 Other supplementary reports of UT harassment against me are available at


See admission by an fbi operative at the UT campus in Brownsville, Texas, confirming a coordinated illegal surveillance of this reporter:


The UT officials and police are on mandatory alert for any signs of disruptive campus activity by any suspicious person, especially in view of the high profile "occupy'' movement across many continents. In this regard the UT police (and other so-called law enforcement agencies at colleges and universities) are on guard to identify and to arrest anyone who may pose some kind of security concern on campus.


 -Anyone except, that is, the criminals in the UT administration and police department itself-


The problem is that the falsely presumed great minds at the UT campuses in Austin and San Antonio, etc., are regularly committing assaults, provocations, implied threats, and uncivil conduct against me for the sole purposes to discourage the use of the university's computer and to help the fbi arrest me. Absolutely no effort is made by the faculty, staff and police at UT to address its own illegal conduct.

The recent efforts by the UT staff in Harlingen, Texas, to remind me that I am unwanted on campus is a reminder to all that the Age Of Madness is not likely to go away anytime soon; and that the threats of arrest of innocent persons by the criminals in high places portend more injustices for us all. Here are two of my recent reports on some of the effects of corrupt government on society in general and on its people:



*Telephone: (956) 365-8650 Fax No.: (956) 365-8753 Regional Academic Health Center UT Health Science Center at San Antonio 2102 Treasure Hills Blvd. Harlingen, Texas 78550

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