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"Space For Movement? Reflections from Bolivia on climate justice, social movements and the state"

A new booklet has recently been published, entitled "Space for Movement? Reflections from Bolivia on climate justice, social movements and the state". Collectively written from an anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian position, it will hopefully add to our understandings of the struggle for climate justice and the conflict this will create with capitalism and the state.

"In the wake of the failed COP-15 in Copenhagen last December, Bolivia’s first indigenous president called for a World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth (CMPCC). Was this the necessary space for social movements to respond where governments and the UN have failed? Was it an attempt to co-opt radical demands? Following the event in Cochabamba, April 2010, this booklet reflects on the lessons from Bolivia and the role of movements in the fight for climate justice".

Arrestos preventivos en Copenhagen: Video de la conferencia de prensa "Police Warning"


la poicia danesa ha tenido autorización de arrestar de forma preventiva a los activistas que participaban en las mobilizaciones de Copenague. Han sido detenidas más de 1000 personas de forma preventiva.

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